Sabicon are proud to be appointed as deviceTrusts' 1st UK gold partner and we can help you incorporate the amazing benefits of this unique software into your new or existing environment.

The virtualization and remoting of corporate applications and desktops is now an established delivery technology, enabling employees to work from any location, on any device, at any time.

We believe this technology requires more information about the user and their connected device to be made available to the virtual session.

deviceTRUST, with its Patent Pending Technology, delivers this detailed context of the connected device and the user into the virtual session, providing a dynamic, secure and compliant workspace. Simple. Dynamic. Integrated.

deviceTrust in 60 Seconds

Introducing deviceTrust


Features of deviceTrust

No additional infrastructure required, simple small client install

Connected device context is available inside the virtual session, giving you the full range of conditional control of the users environment based on their hardware / software

This context can be easily consumed from registry keys or environment variables within any 3rd party tools such as AppSense / Citrix / RES or scripting / GPO's

Works seamlessly with both internal and external network access to the virtual session

Transparently integrates with existing VPN solutions


Download the User Case document for deviceTrust now using the link below

deviceTRUST - Use Case Overview


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